OTA Code List

Additional Detail Type (ADT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Rate description
2 Property description
3 Property location
4 Room information
5 Guarantee information
6 Deposit information
7 Cancellation information
8 Check in check out information
9 Extra charge information
10 Tax information
11 Service charge information
12 Package information
13 Commission information
14 Miscellaneous information
15 Promotional information
16 Inclusion information
17 Amenity information
18 Late arrival information
19 Late departure information
20 Advanced booking information
21 Extra person information
22 Areas served
23 Onsite facilities information
24 Offsite facilities information
25 Onsite services information
26 Offsite services information
27 Extended stay information
28 Corporate booking information
29 Booking guidelines
30 Government booking policy
31 Group booking information
32 Rate disclaimer information
33 Visa/travel requirement information
34 Security information
35 Onsite recreational activities information
36 Offsite recreational activities information
37 General meeting planning information
38 Group meeting planning information
39 Contract/negotiated booking information
40 Travel industry booking information
41 Meeting room description
42 Pet policy description
43 Meal plan description
44 Family plan description
45 Children information
46 Early checkout description
47 Special offers description
48 Catering description
49 Room decor description
50 Oversold policy description
51 Last room availability description
52 Room type upgrade description
53 Driving directions
54 Driving directions from the north
55 Driving directions from the south
56 Driving directions from the east
57 Driving directions from the west
58 Surcharge information
59 Minimum stay information
60 Maximum stay information
61 Check-in policy
62 Check-out policy
63 Express check-in policy
64 Express check-out policy
65 Facility restrictions
66 Customs information for material
67 Seasons
68 Food and beverage minimums for groups
69 Deposit policy for master account
70 Deposit policy for reservations
71 Restaurant services
72 Special events
73 Cuisine description

Age Qualifying Code (AQC)

Code Value Code Name
1 Over 21
2 Over 65
3 Under 2
4 Under 12
5 Under 17
6 Under 21
7 Infant
8 Child
9 Teenager
10 Adult
11 Senior
12 Additional occupant with adult
13 Additional occupant without adult
14 Free child
15 Free adult
16 Young driver
17 Younger driver
18 Under 10
19 Junior

Booking Channel Type (BCT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Global distribution system (GDS)
2 Alternative distribution system (ADS)
3 Sales and catering system (SCS)
4 Property management system (PMS)
5 Central reservation system (CRS)
6 Tour operator system (TOS)
7 Internet
8 Kiosk
9 Agent

Communication Location Type (CLT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Home
2 Business
3 Other
4 Destination

Email Address Type (EAT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Personal
2 Business
3 Listserve
4 Internet
5 Property
6 Sales office
7 Reservation office
8 Managing company

Fee Tax Type (FTT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Bed tax
2 City hotel fee
3 City tax
4 County tax
5 Energy tax
6 Federal tax
7 Food & beverage tax
8 Lodging tax
9 Maintenance fee
10 Occupancy tax
11 Package fee
12 Resort fee
13 Sales tax
14 Service charge
15 State tax
16 Surcharge
17 Total tax
18 Tourism tax
19 VAT/GST tax
20 Surplus Lines Tax
21 Insurance Premium Tax
22 Application Fee
23 Express Handling Fee
24 Exempt
25 Standard
26 Zero-rated
27 Miscellaneous
28 Room Tax
29 Early checkout fee
30 Country tax
31 Extra person charge
32 Banquet service fee
33 Room service fee
34 Local fee
35 Goods and services tax (GST)
36 Value Added Tax (VAT)
37 Crib fee
38 Rollaway fee
39 Assessment/license tax
40 Pet sanitation fee
41 Not known
42 Child rollaway charge
43 Convention tax
44 Extra child charge
45 Standard food and beverage gratuity
46 National government tax
47 Adult rollaway fee
48 Beverage with alcohol
49 Beverage without alcohol
50 Tobacco
51 Food
52 Total surcharges
53 State cost recovery fee
54 Miscellaneous fee
55 Destination amenity fee

Meal Plan Type (MPT)

Code Value Code Name
1 All inclusive
2 American/full board
3 Bed & breakfast
4 Buffet breakfast
5 Caribbean breakfast
6 Continental breakfast
7 English breakfast
8 European plan
9 Family plan
10 Full board
11 Full breakfast
12 Half board/modified American plan
13 As brochured
14 Room only/European plan
15 Self catering
16 Bermuda
17 Dinner bed and breakfast plan
18 Family American
19 Breakfast
20 Modified
21 Lunch
22 Dinner
23 Breakfast & lunch

Name Type (NAM)

Code Value Code Name
1 Former
2 Nickname
3 Alternate
4 Maiden

Phone Location Type (PLT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Brand reservations office
2 Central reservations office
3 Property reservation Office
4 Property direct
5 Sales office
6 Home
7 Office
8 Other
9 Managing company
10 Mobile

Phone Technology Type (PTT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Voice
2 Data
3 Fax
4 Pager
5 Mobile
7 Telex
8 Voice over IP

Profile Type (PRT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Customer
3 Corporation
4 Travel agent
5 Wholesaler
6 Group
7 Tour operator
9 Representation company
10 Internet broker
11 Airline
12 Hotel
13 Car rental
14 Cruise line
15 Employee
16 Event host
17 Supplier partner
18 Billing contact
19 Authorized signer
20 General service contractor
21 Arranger
22 Association
23 Travel agency

Segment Category Code (SEG)

Code Value Code Name
1 All suite
2 Budget
3 Corporate business transient
4 Deluxe
5 Economy
6 Extended stay
7 First class
8 Luxury
9 Meeting/Convention
10 Moderate
11 Residential apartment
12 Resort
13 Tourist
14 Upscale
15 Efficiency
16 Standard
17 Midscale
18 Moderate 2
19 Quality
20 Quality 2
21 Unknown
22 Midscale without F &B
23 Upper upscale

Unique ID Type (UIT)

Code Value Code Name
1 Customer
2 CRO (Customer Reservations Office)
3 Corporation representative
4 Company
5 Travel agency
6 Airline
7 Wholesaler
8 Car rental
9 Group
10 Hotel
11 Tour operator
12 Cruise line
13 Internet broker
14 Reservation
15 Cancellation
16 Reference
17 Meeting planning agency
18 Other
19 Insurance agency
20 Insurance agent
21 Profile
22 ERSP (Electronic reservation service provider)
23 Provisional reservation
24 Travel Agent PNR
25 Associated reservation
26 Associated itinerary reservation
27 Associated shared reservation
28 Alliance
29 Booking agent
30 Ticket
31 Divided reservation
32 Merchant
33 Acquirer
34 Master reference
35 Purged master reference
36 Parent reference
37 Child reference
38 Linked reference
39 Contract
40 Confirmation number
41 Fare quote
42 Reissue/refund quote
43 Ground transportation supplier
44 EMD
Last Updated: 5/2/2019, 3:16:14 PM