Change Log


Please check this page regularly for functionality and feature updates to SMX Applications APIs

29 October 2018

  • FIX missing occurrence of @ProfileType on OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile

19 October 2018

9 August 2018

  • MODIFIED description of OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay

23 May 2018

  • FIX missing Taxes on ResGlobalInfo / Total

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax @Code
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax @Amount
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax @CurrencyCode
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax @Percent
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax / TaxDescription
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Total / Taxes / Tax / TaxDescription / Text
  • MODIFIED description for @ResID_Type. This attribute can be found on:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / HotelReservationIDs / HotelReservationID

13 April 2018

  • MODIFIED accepted values for @ResStatus
    • REMOVED: Checked out
    • ADDED: Checked-Out

7 February 2018

  • MODIFIED description of OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / RoomRates / RoomRate / Rates / Rate
  • MODIFIED description of OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / RoomRates / RoomRate / Rates / Rate @EffectiveDate
  • MODIFIED description of OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / RoomRates / RoomRate / Rates / Rate @ExpireDate
  • MODIFIED description of OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / RoomRates / RoomRate / Rates / Rate @UnitMultiplier

5 February 2018

  • MODIFIED description of @LastModifyDateTime. This attribute can be found on:
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation

29 January 2018

  • FIX OTA_HotelResNotifRS - Failure sample. Previously this sample incorrectly listed a 'HotelReservations' element.

19 January 2018

  • ADDED PMS RequestorID Code Table. This list provides the RequestorIDs for all SMX PMS Publishers.

2 November 2017

  • FIX incorrectly listed number of times OTA_HotelResNotifRS / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / HotelReservationIDs / HotelReservationID is expected in the response.
    • Old Value: 1..n
    • New Value: 0..n

23 October 2017

  • ADDED 'Service Reservation Place Holders' to the RoomStay.

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / ServiceRPHs
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / ServiceRPHs / ServiceRPH
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / ServiceRPHs / ServiceRPH @RPH
  • ADDED @RPH attribute to the following elements:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / ResGuestRPH
  • ADDED 'Service and Extra Charge Reference Table'

  • ADDED OpenTravel Code List 'Name Type (NAM)' for @NameType. This attribute can be found on:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer / PersonName
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer / Address / AddresseeName
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer / RelatedTraveler / PersonName
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / CompanyInfo / ContactPerson / PersonName
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer / PersonName
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / CompanyInfo / ContactPerson / PersonName
  • ADDED @ServiceCategoryCode to the following elements:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / Services / Service
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / Services / ServiceCategory
  • ADDED @ShareAllOptOutInd and @ShareAllMarketInd to the following elements:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile
  • MODIFIED description for @ArrivalTime to clarify correct formatting. This attribute can be found on:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest
  • FIX missing Text element on RoomStay comments

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / Comments / Comment / Text
  • FIX incorrect elements listed in OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Profiles / ProfileInfo / UniqueID

  • FIX incorrect spelling of @BirthDate. This attribute can be found on:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGuests / ResGuest / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer / RelatedTraveler
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / Profiles / ProfileInfo / Profile / Customer
  • REMOVED @IsPerRoom. This attribute could previously be found on:

    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / RoomStays / RoomStay / GuestCounts
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / Services / Service / ServiceDetails / GuestCounts
    • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ / HotelReservations / HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / GuestCounts


    The @IsPerRoom attribute has been REMOVED from the GuestCounts as each room within the reservation XML requires it's own RoomStay element. This makes the @IsPerRoom attribute on both the RoomStay and ServiceDetails redundant (if a service is for multiple rooms, there should be a 'Service' for each required RoomStay). For the ResGlobalInfo / GuestCounts, this should simply show the total number of guests included in the reservation.

Last Updated: 5/31/2019, 10:56:01 AM