Change Log


Please check this page regularly for functionality and feature updates to the SMX Availability and Rate API.

For changes to the Reservation API, please refer to the Reservation API Change Log

20 May 2019

Availability and Rate API

  • ADDED lastModifiedAt to Rate, RoomType and Availability models
  • ADDED ratePlanCode to Rate model
  • MODIFIED some required fields
  • REMOVED hotelCode from RatePlan model
  • REMOVED createdAt from RatePlan model
  • REMOVED hotelCode from Availability model

21 March 2019

Availability and Rate API

  • ADDED API calls to return a list of connected publishers and hoteliers.


11 March 2019

Availability and Rate API

  • ADDED 'Path' to API call documentation.

11 February 2019

Availability and Rate API

  • Initial publication of the BETA specification.
Last Updated: 5/20/2019, 2:29:03 PM