Error Handling

Error Responses to SMX


Errors must be returned within a 'SOAP Envelope' and use the defined response message container depending on the message being responded to. Please see the relevant parts of our specification within the SMX For Applications API section for more information on the error response message. If the error is specifically related to application level errors, please do not respond any other error types (HTTP etc.). If you have server level issues, then it is OK to respond with HTTP standard error codes.

It is expected that your application has a robust error handling process in place. An error response should contain a short description of the error to assist our support teams.

Invalid Hotel Code

<OTA_HotelResNotifRS xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="abc123">
    <Error Type="6" Code="392">Invalid hotel code: ABC</Error>

Required Information Not Present

<OTA_HotelResNotifRS xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="abc123">
    <Error Type="3" Code="321">Guest email address is required</Error>

SMX recommends (but is not limited to) the following error codes from OTA Warning Type (EWT). Any OTA Warning Type can be used.

Error Warning Type (EWT)

Code OTA Description
1 Unknown
2 No implementation
3 Biz rule
4 Authentication
5 Authentication timeout
6 Authorization
7 Protocol violation
8 Transaction model
9 Authentical model
10 Required field missing
11 Advisory
12 Processing exception
13 Application error

Error Codes (ERR)

Error Codes - General

These are recommended (but not limited to) Error Codes to be returned for general errors. Any OTA Error Code (ERR) entry can be used.

Code OTA Description Field
187 System currently unavailable
400 Invalid property code Hotel code
448 System error
450 Unable to process
497 Authorization error

Error Codes - Updates

These are recommended (but not limited to) Error Codes to be returned for update errors. Any OTA Error Code (ERR) entry can be used.

Code OTA Description Usage
16 Invalid date
310 Required data missing: last name
311 Required data missing: first name
316 Required data missing: phone number
321 Required field missing Used when a required field is missing that does not have a dedicated error code (ie: Room ID required)
375 Hotel not active
392 Invalid hotel code
Last Updated: 5/31/2019, 11:19:30 AM